We cook an unusual strawberry jam

1 kg raspberries;
500 grams sugar.


Whether or not to wash the raspberries depends on the fruit. If the raspberries are clean, dry, and not affected by the raspberry beetle, they can be left unwashed. Simply pick the fruit, removing any damaged ones. If you notice small white worms, soak the raspberries for 10 minutes in salted water (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water), then remove any larvae floating on the surface with a sponge, and wash the fruit for 1 minute, 2 hours, or twice under running water. Strain the raspberries through a sieve.
Sprinkle the raspberries with sugar. If you have a large quantity of fruit, we recommend alternating layers of raspberries and sugar or shaking the bowl while mixing the raspberries. Let the fruit simmer for 3 to 4 hours until it releases its juice.
Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the raspberries to a boil, stirring well until the sugar is completely dissolved. If the bowl isn’t very large and the quantity of fruit allows it, it’s best to stir by shaking the bowl. Then boil the raspberries for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam (it will keep better).
Continued on the next page



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