Do you know what the oat regime entails? It has become very popular recently, but its advantages are generally unknown. We all know that oatmeal was used as a slurry in the Anglo-Saxon diet, but this cereal has many positive properties that can help you lose weight.
Oatmeal, a good ally to lose fat
For only 140 calories, a portion of oatmeal with milk offers many health and weight loss benefits. Uncaliber but rich in soluble fibers (8.5 g per 100 g), proteins (15 g) and “beneficial” carbohydrates (58 g), it makes it possible not only to remain full for a very long time, but also to help with digestion and promotes regularity, which contributes to the maintenance of a flat belly.
In addition, they reduce the amount of insulin produced, which reduces the body’s ability to store fat and/or accelerates weight loss during a diet.
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