Natural and effective method to fight the proliferation of cockroaches avoiding chemical products.

Are you invaded by cockroaches and you don’t know how to get rid of them? Keep in mind that these pests like humid places in the house and often move at night in search of food. The kitchen is their favorite place, which is why good hygiene of this part of the house is essential to avoid attracting them.

To get rid of cockroaches and cockroaches that invade your home you do not need toxic baits or insecticides. You can fight the proliferation of these insects with a natural and effective method, avoiding chemical products.

crawling insects
Crawling insects – Source: spm

What trick to fight cockroaches?
You can eliminate these small insects with a simple and effective anti-cockroach product. To do so, you will need sugar and the same amount of baking soda. Mix everything together and pour the mixture into cups that you will place in the rooms where the cockroaches are heading. If this remedy works it is because sugar acts as bait for these little beasts while baking soda is toxic. You can spray this mixture in cockroach-infested areas such as garbage dumps, sewers, not to mention cracks and all corners of your home.

There are other very effective tricks against cockroaches
Many chemicals are available to eliminate these insects that can nest in pipes or behind appliances, but there are effective natural products to defeat these pests.

1- Garlic, onion and cayenne against cockroaches
To apply this natural trick against cockroaches you need a clove of garlic, a few slices of onion, a liter of water and cayenne pepper. Put all the ingredients together in a saucepan and boil for a few minutes. Then, pour the preparation into a spray bottle that you spray on the cockroaches’ passage points.

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