2- Cucumber, an effective anti-cockroach
It is possible to defeat cockroaches thanks to the cucumber that afflicts them. To use it, cut strips that you place on plates and place in areas frequented by these insects. This will make it possible to easily repel them from your interior.
Fight against cockroaches
Fight against cockroaches – Source: spm
3- The vacuum cleaner to combat cockroaches
Remember to capture cockroaches with your vacuum cleaner. Start by using your appliance throughout your kitchen and other rooms in your home, concentrating on cupboards and hidden areas behind furniture. This method helps you get rid of the larvae that cause the infestation. You can repeat the operation every week.
4- Lemon eucalyptus essential oil to exterminate cockroaches
Cockroaches can be safely controlled with a few drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil on sheets of newspaper. To control insects, place these leaves where insects pass by.
5- White vinegar kills cockroaches
To eradicate these insects attracted by food, pour white vinegar into a spray bottle. Then, spray this acidic liquid on the bottom of the walls, under the sink and under the furniture. White vinegar is a natural cockroach repellent.
As you may have understood, it is possible to defeat cockroaches thanks to natural products that you can easily find in your cupboards.