the secret solution
For this, one of the most suitable ingredients for various purposes comes into action, white vinegar, which can be used to clean our glass and windows perfectly.
To use it, we only need to dilute half a glass of white vinegar with a little warm water and place it in a spray bottle so that it can be sprayed during our cleaning.
There are different ways to use it, the first is to spray the solution on the glass and use a microfiber cloth then wash everything until dry, the second recommends soaking the cloth in the solution and passing it directly on the glass.
The third, on the other hand, is the one used by experts and sees the use of this solution on some sheets of newspaper, which seems to have a tendency to trap dirt and make our windows shine due to its properties.
In addition, it is advisable to wash the windows on days when the sun’s rays do not shine directly on them, since excess heat could dry out quickly and cause more drops to form.
For this reason, we prefer a warm day , not too sunny, so that our glass can be cleaned in the best possible way until we take care of it again.