You’ll never have to clean the toilet again when you perform this magic trick that’s been around the world.

Do you find it annoying to have to clean and scrub your toilet all the time? We have good news for you: it’s simple and requires readily available natural ingredients to clean toilet bowls without using commercial chemicals.

The Dangers of Toilet Bowl Cleaners
Most toilet bowl and toilet cleaners contain a large number of chemicals. According to Philip Dickey of the Washington Toxics Coalition, acidic toilet bowl cleaners are among the three most dangerous cleaning products in the home!

Toilet bowl cleaners can be effective, but they’re full of harmful chemicals. Bleach is common in these products and is irritating to the lungs and eyes. When it mixes with ammonia, it creates highly toxic chloramine gas. Chloramine gas causes reactions ranging from coughing and irritation to severe lung damage and pneumonia.

Ammonia is common in other products you might use in the bathroom. It’s found in bathroom cleaners and all-purpose cleaners.

Another very dangerous toilet bowl gas purifier can release chlorine gas. This occurs when bleach mixes with an acidic toilet cleaner. Chlorine gas is very dangerous. Consequences range from coughing, watery eyes and nose to severe breathing problems, water in the lungs, pneumonia, and even death from suffocation.

Many chemicals found in cleaning products are corrosive. An example of this is a powerful chemical called sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate. It can cause severe irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract, and can even form a dangerous gas. Sodium hydroxide has similar effects.

The list goes on. Other chemicals in cleaning products are also dangerous. For example, a perfume blend in a cleaning product can contain up to 3,000 different chemicals. These chemicals can cause allergic reactions, severe headaches, respiratory problems, and even hormonal imbalances.

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