Never throw anything away. Even what you think is useless or ruined can acquire new life. For example, did you know that plastic bottles can become nice office pen holders? Or you can make hanging vases and decorate them with climbing plants.

Even straws , the ones we use for drinking, can be transformed into something useful. With them, for example, you can create a colorful and imaginative vase . Not to mention socks and shirts with holes . You might not only think about patching them up but also giving life to puppets or marionettes that will surely entertain the little ones.
Even some products we have in the kitchen or foods can come in handy on various occasions. For example, eggshells make a great fertilizer . Chop them or reduce them into many small pieces and scatter them on the soil of your plants : you will see that your green jewels will grow healthy and strong.
You can also use this technique to achieve accelerated fruiting . Speaking of food, today we want to explain to you why you shouldn’t throw away watermelon peels . Here are some clever ideas that will leave you speechless.
You Will Never Throw Away Watermelon Peels Again If You Learn To Reuse Them This Way
What could you possibly do with watermelon peels ? Can they really be useful to you? The answer to these questions is yes. The most creative can have fun giving vent to their imagination by making fruit baskets to display on the table for a special occasion.

But today we want to talk to you in detail about specific properties of watermelon peels that will help you resolve some health problems or skin blemishes.
For example, did you know that watermelon is a fruit rich in fiber and mineral salts ? With its peel you can make a jam or a smoothie or grate it to exploit all its virtues. The peel also contains many powerful antioxidants such as lycopene.
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