Why shouldn’t you set the air conditioner to 26°C at night?

3. Impact on Health

Cooler air at night can causehealth issues such as dry skin, throat irritation, and even respiratory problems. Prolonged exposure to cold air while sleeping can reduce the body’s resistance to colds and increase the likelihood of catching illnesses.

4. Humidity Levels
Running the AC at lower temperatures for extended periods can reduce humidity in the room, making the air too dry. This can lead to dehydration, dry eyes, and dry nasal passages, especially if the AC is set at 26°C for the entire night.

5. Sleep Disruption
A too-cold room can cause your body to shiver, causing interrupted sleep. While 26°C might seem like a moderate setting, cooler temperatures can still be uncomfortable during the night when your body’s core temperature is lower.

6. Suggested Temperature for Nighttime
Most experts suggest setting the AC between 27°C to 29°C during the night, which is usually sufficient to keep you comfortable while saving energy and avoiding potential health issues.



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