What do rings symbolize on different fingers?

Since ancient times, rings have had deep symbols and meanings. If the alliance of the ring finger is a universal sign of commitment, what about the other fingers? Why do some people choose to put a ring on the thumb or a little finger? Behind these choices, often trivial, hide revealing messages about the personality and aspirations of each individual. Let’s find out what these everyday jewels reveal.
Thumb: self-assertion and raw energy

The thumb is associated with Mars, the god of war. Wearing a ring on this finger is often a sign of a strong, determined and energetic personality. This reflects a high level of self-confidence, sometimes accompanied by an assertive and dominant character.

À savoirNamely: In ancient times, men wore iron rings in the thumb to symbolize their power and virility. Today, this choice can also be linked to a personal affirmation or membership of the LGBTQ community.

Index: leadership and ambition
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