Vanilla crescents ready in 15 minutes!

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In the meantime, sift the powdered sugar into a large, sealable bowl and mix with two packets of vanilla sugar. The sealable bowl is so important because you can reuse any leftovers for the next portion of vanilla crescents.

Form the crescent dough into rolls with an approximate diameter of 4 cm. Then cut into slices about 1 – 2 cm thick. Form the crescents from these slices and place them not too close together on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake in a convection oven at 175°C for about 20 minutes. When the croissants start to brown, they are ready.

Let the croissants cool for about 3 minutes. Then place them in the prepared powdered sugar mixture and turn them over on all sides. If they are still too warm, they will break very easily; if they are too cold, the powdered sugar will no longer stick well. It is best to keep checking whether they are firm enough

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