There are more ways than just vinegar to get rid of cockroaches at home using natural methods. Here are four lesser-known tricks!

Use regular soap and water to quickly eliminate cockroaches.
Besides vinegar, there are also other fragrant solutions that can be used to eliminate cockroaches. The main thing to use against these insects is Marseille soap. We only need to make a mixture of soap and water and pour it into a spray bottle. Next, spray it in the corners of the house and in areas where we have seen potential cockroaches. These will vanish soon.
Not everyone knows that catnip can also be used to repel cockroaches. These bugs can’t tolerate it and that’s why they move away when they touch it. We placed the jars in the corners. They will be quickly taken care of by the cockroaches and will vanish right away.

The kitchen’s closest and most helpful friends
Other helpers in fighting these bugs can be found in our kitchen. Indeed, rosemary, bay leaf, and garlic are strong natural repellents. Cockroaches dislike their own scent and will run away fast if we use it properly. We just have to gather some rosemary or bay leaves and put them in the areas with pests. To use garlic, simply place a few cloves on the areas that are affected.
If we want to make a trap to kill cockroaches, we can use two cheap ingredients: baking soda and sugar. Make a mixture with both ingredients and sprinkle it on the areas where you see cockroaches. They will consume our substance, which is harmful to them. This will help us solve the issue fast.



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