The Ultimate Stain Remover That Truly Works on Stubborn Stains (Say Goodbye to Oxyclean Forever)

Before stumbling upon this miraculous stain remover, I found myself accumulating a frustrating pile of stained clothes. I experimented with various commercial stain fighters, even tackling stains that had set through the dryer or lingered for weeks.

In my quest to eliminate harsh chemicals from our home, I decided to try a DIY stain remover for clothes. This three-ingredient wonder cleaner is incredibly simple to make and serves as the sole cleaner needed for clothes.

Ingredients for Homemade Stain Remover:

Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid (Blue)

Hydrogen Peroxide

Baking Soda



Instructions for DIY Stain Remover:

Mix 1 teaspoon of Dawn (preferably Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid Blue), 4 tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide, and 2 tablespoons of Baking Soda in a bowl. Thoroughly combine the ingredients.

Apply a couple of spoonfuls onto the stain and scrub using a toothbrush or scrub brush. The stain won’t vanish immediately; allow it to sit for an hour or overnight.

Wash the garment on a regular cycle, and voila, it’s clean again!



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