So my dears, first clean the strawberries and remove the green parts and put them in a large pot (the jam boils quickly).
Then squeeze the lemon and put the juice in the pot, as well as the gelling sugar.
Then simply chop everything up with a hand blender (if you like, you can leave the fruit whole or partly unchopped).
Next, get the jars and ladle ready and slowly bring the mixture to the boil while stirring constantly.
Let it boil for at least 3 minutes while stirring constantly. Now fill the jars with the jam as quickly as possible, screw the lids on and immediately turn them upside down!
So, the number of portions depends on the size of the jars. The preparation time is also difficult to estimate, as a lot depends on the quality/cleanliness of the strawberries.
So take your time. The jam needs time and love. Strawberry jam with 1.5 kg of strawberries will keep for at least 1 year!
Enjoy your meal
Source page Schnell Rezepte