Perform regular cleaning
If you clean your shower enclosure regularly, you will save yourself hours of deep cleaning. With short, regular cleanings, your bathroom will remain constantly clean and free of pathogenic organisms.
What recommendations for cleaning the shower enclosure?
Avoid steel wool
Take advantage of soft-bristled brushes instead of steel wool to clean the shower enclosure. This part of the bathroom should not be scrubbed, as glass and plastic can be damaged by heavy scrubbing. Also, the more scratches form, the more dirt accumulates. So I prefer to scrub the walls with the soft side of a sponge
Avoid acidic products if you have a glass enclosure
If your shower has a glass surface, avoid using bleach and any other acid-based products. In fact, this surface does not react well to this type of product and it is therefore necessary to switch to another cleaning method. Say goodbye to harsh cleaners such as ammonia found in bleach or chlorine that can cause stains and damage the surface. In addition, bleach can have an impact on health by causing irritation of the respiratory tract.