Old Yellowed Resin Chairs: Here’s How to Whiten Them

To make the whitening product based on Marseille soap, you will need 2 tablespoons of Marseille soap flakes that you will dissolve in 1L of hot water . Once the mixture is ready you can transfer it to a spray bottle and start spraying the yellowed chairs.

Wait a few seconds before wiping with a sponge. Then spray with clean water or wipe with a damp cloth to rinse. Finally, air dry and you’re done.

Why does outdoor furniture turn yellow?
The summer season is fast approaching and it is time to make the most of your garden or outdoor space. It is precisely at this time that we need chairs and tables to welcome guests.

However, due to bad weather and poor outdoor storage, these garden furniture soon began to show yellow signs and quickly lost their beauty.

Exposure to sunlight, weather, and dust and dirt deposits are the reported causes of oxidation of resin chairs. Fortunately, you can rely on the advice mentioned above to preserve your garden furniture.



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