Natural Rat and Roach Repellent 🐀🪳✨

In a bowl, mix the baking soda, sugar, and flour.
Slowly add water to form a thick, paste-like consistency.
Shape the mixture into small balls or place spoonfuls in bottle caps or shallow lids.
How to Use:
Place the mixture in areas where you’ve seen rats or roaches—under sinks, behind appliances, in corners, or near garbage.
Replace every 1–2 days if necessary, and monitor the areas.
Tips to Prevent Pests:
Keep your home clean and food stored in airtight containers.
Fix water leaks, as roaches and rats are attracted to moisture.
Seal entry points like cracks, vents, and gaps.
This method is non-toxic for humans and pets when placed properly and is an effective way to naturally repel pests from your home! 😊✨



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