Methods for keeping fresh eggs without refrigeration

Use rice balls or sawdust

With dried rice ball and sawdust, you can easily store chicken or duck eggs for up to several months. All you have to do is put a layer of rice or sawdust balls in a polystyrene box, place the eggs in it, and sprinkle more and more rice/wooden sawdust bullets until the surface of the eggs is covered.

Keep doing this alternately until the eggs are gone. Then, cover the box tightly and place it in a cool place so that you can easily store and use the eggs.

Apply cooking oil to egg shells
You don’t need much, you just have to apply a thin layer of vegetable oil, like sesame oil, coconut oil, soybean oil, etc., to egg shells for easy storage. However, this method is most effective if you keep the eggs at a temperature of 25 to 32 degrees Celsius and you use the eggs within a month to ensure quality.

Put the eggs in sachets
If you do not have sawdust or dried rice balls at home, you can use an easier ingredient to find: tea grounds. If you use the same method as when working with sawdust or rice balls, you can easily keep the eggs with tea grounds for 2-3 months.

Pack the eggs in paper
When you keep eggs in paper, you should clean the surface of the egg with a piece of wet towel and shake the paper. Then carefully wrap the eggs in paper and place them in a cool, dry place. You can also put the eggs wrapped in foil in the refrigerator.

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