low point perfectly peeled hard boiled egg

Gently lower the room temperature eggs into the boiling water using a spoon or tongs. Be cautious to prevent them from cracking as they hit the bottom of the pot.
Cook the Eggs:
Once all the eggs are in the pot, reduce the heat to maintain a gentle simmer. Set a timer for the desired cooking time:
For soft-boiled eggs with runny yolks: 6-7 minutes
For medium-boiled eggs with slightly firm yolks: 9-10 minutes
For hard-boiled eggs with fully set yolks: 12-13 minutes
Prepare an Ice Bath:
While the eggs are cooking, fill a large bowl with cold water and ice cubes. This will be used to stop the cooking process and cool the eggs rapidly.
Transfer to Ice Bath:
Once the eggs have finished cooking, immediately transfer them to the ice bath using a slotted spoon. Let them sit in the ice bath for at least 5 minutes to cool down.
Peel the Eggs:
After the eggs have cooled, gently tap each one on a hard surface to crack the shell. Roll the egg between your hands to loosen the shell, then peel it away starting from the wider end where the air pocket is located.
Once peeled, your perfectly cooked hard-boiled eggs are ready to enjoy! Eat them as a snack, add them to salads or sandwiches, or use them in your favorite recipes.



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