LA method for saving the language in 2 hours SANS language

Plus, you get a radiator that empties the air from the circuit. To optimize the chauffage, there is a fair amount of air using this technique, the car also produces air and air plus humide. Nous vous recommandons donc de n’utiliser this astuce que dans les “cas difficiles”, par example si you devez faire beaucoup fonctionner la machine à laver. If you have time or you have a certain rapid clothing, you can read the essay. Le reste du temps.

Plus d’astuces to secure the language more quickly
Tout d’abord, avant de poser vos clothes sur le séchoir, séchez-les vigoureusement. Cela détend les fibers du tissu and favor a better circulation of the air, accélérant ainsi the processus de séchage. Plus important encore, you don’t have to charge the safety device, the car will obstruct the circulation of the air and increase the temperature of the safety. Optez plutôt for an arrangement aéré. The plus, you don’t have to suspend the clothing ensemble, but the items are available in small groups. Cela permet à l’air de mieux circuler entre les clothes.

Ensuite, place your room in a two-way valve and two eclairs (attention: the light of the sun can be seen!). Balcony, terrace, luminous window… The soleil and the circulation of the air guarantee that the cheveux sèchent plus rapidement. En été, you can place a ventilator near the outside to increase the circulation of the air (or the placer sous a ventilateur de ceiling allumé). This is as simple as possible, allowing you to consider the timing of the test. Enfin, you can integrate the serviettes between your clothes. It absorbs a part of the humidity, accelerating in the global process.

With a consumption of the highest quality in the cell of the washing machine (just 15% of the facture of energy), you pour it easily and you pass the food. Avec les bonnes techniques, c’est possible without the facts n’explosent!



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