How to remove stains from the mattress?
Urine and sweating spots
The urine and sweat spots decolor the mattress with the appearance of yellow spots, which eventually feel the mold after a while. To remove them once and for all, a sure-tight solution is to mix 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide or 3% oxygenated water with a few drops of dishwasher liquid in a bowl. After shaking the solution to dissolve the bicarbonate powder, pour it into a spray and then spray onto the stained area of the mattress. It is best to allow the mixture to work for a few minutes before drying the mattress in the open air for about one hour. In addition, the use of a hair dryer may be convenient if you want to speed up the drying process.
Blood spots
In this case, you need to be fairly reactive if you want to remove a bloodstain before it becomes dry. To do this, you can quickly prepare a cleaning solution based on hydrogen peroxide to be poured into a spray bottle and apply immediately to the stain in question. You will then mop up the stain by performing delicate but firm movements until it disappears. Finally, let it dry in the open air.
Red wine stains
Removing red wine stains is not easy, especially when they have had time to embed themselves in the fabric of the mattress. So it is best to act right now. Get a clean cloth for this and then woo the area to remove as much wine as you can. Then proceed by dabning a damp cloth on the stained area before sprinkling salt to absorb what is left of wine. Three minutes later, dab the mark again with a cloth soaked in cold water and allow it to dry.
Apart from these cleaning methods, regular maintenance of the mattress is still necessary to improve its durability. In addition and if necessary, it is useful to know how often you should replace it as well as your pillows and duvet.