How to Hone a Dull Knife

Step 2: Finish at The Tip
Author has slid the blade down the honing steel, which is now touching the steel near the tip of the blade.

Applying only light pressure, draw the knife down the steel, using the full length of the steel, and pulling across the full length of the knife, maintaining a constant angle.

Step 3: Begin Second Side
Author proceeds to hone the other side in the same manner, starting at the heel.

Hold the heel of the knife against the other side of the steel, again at a 15 – 20 degree angle.

Step 4: Finish Second Side
The blade has been swept toward the bottom of the steel, touching it at the tip of the blade.

Drag the knife blade across the steel until the tip of the knife and the tip of the steel meet. Repeat with both sides until blade is honed—usually about 8 strokes per side.

Continued on the next page



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