The black mulberry ( Morus nigra ) is a charming fruit tree, known for its delicious dark-colored fruit and sweet flavor. Even though it is a little-known fruit today, our grandparents were fond of it and consumed it very often.
It usually grows in gardens or the countryside, but it is possible to successfully grow a potted black mulberry sapling at home , allowing anyone to enjoy its tasty fruits.
In this article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps of growing and caring for a potted black mulberry tree , and show you some of the amazing properties of its delicious fruit.
How to grow a potted black mulberry sapling at home
1. Choice of pot and soil:
- Start by selecting a large enough pot, preferably at least 50-60 liters in capacity, to allow the root system to grow adequately.
- Make sure the pot has drainage holes to avoid waterlogging.
- Use well-drained soil rich in organic matter, such as a mixture of fruit potting soil and compost.
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