How to clean your washing machine naturally: fast and cheap methods

4. Wipe the outside and seals Rubber seals and the door may trap moisture and debris, resulting in mould and odours.

Mix water equally of the water and vinegar in a spray bottle.
Spray the solution to a microfiber cloth and use it to wipe the outside of the machine.
Clean around and under the rubber seals of the door to remove any mould or build-up. Be gentle to avoid tearing the joints.

5. Leave the door open After cleaning, leave the door of the washing machine open to ventilate and prevent moisture build-up, which is a common cause of mould.

6. To keep your machine clean and clean, wash once a month, repeating the soda and bicarbonate wash.

Benefits of natural cleaning: The use of natural substances such as vinegar and sodium bicarbonate is safe and effective. Unlike chemical cleaners, they do not leave harmful residues or strong odours. This method is also ideal for people who are allergic or sensitive to powerful chemicals.

This routine is a simple and effective way to maintain the performance of your washing machine and to make sure that your laundry remains fresh and clean.



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