Integrating relaxation exercises into your daily routine can help reduce eye fatigue and tension. For example, try using the palm of your hand: rub your hands against each other to warm them up, then gently place them on your closed eyes for a few minutes to relax. Alternatively, you can perform circular eye movements or track moving objects to improve muscle flexibility. Another effective exercise consists in fixing alternately a close object and a distant object for a few minutes. These exercises strengthen your eye muscles and can improve your ability to concentrate and visual comfort. Finally, you can also perform eye movements from left to right and from top to bottom to relax the eye muscles.
If you notice persistent symptoms of eye fatigue or blurred vision, consult an ophthalmologist for a thorough examination and personalised recommendations that will allow you to effectively treat hypermetropia, adjust your prescriptions and detect other eye problems at an early age (glaucoma, presbyopia, age-related macular degeneration [AMD– cataract, etc.).