Experts warn people who sleep next to their mobile phones

In the world we live in, we are exposed throughout the day to home, to work and to public spaces with electromagnetic waves such as antennas, mobile phones and wifi. Is this almost permanent exposure safe?
Digital technology has gained monopoly and information flows with astronomical speed. We’re connected, computers, tablets or laptops have become our daily companions. Exposure to mobile phone waves could be potentially dangerous to health claims the California State Department of Health in a note.

The use of mobile phones is increasingly used in everyday life. We arrived at the 7-day-7/7-day stadium. We don’t ask it anymore. We take it with us wherever we go and if we forget it at home, we feel a lack.

We almost never turn it off, and when we are about to sleep, its place is on our night table.

Is it bad to sleep next to a mobile phone?
If you don’t want to turn off the cell phone at night, at least try cutting the internet connection and place it at least one meter off your bed. This habit adopted by millions of people could cause a lot of health problems.

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