Eggs should not be stored in the refrigerator door

Although the refrigerator door is a frequent spot to store eggs, the temperature fluctuates with each opening and closing.
This provides an environment in which bacteria can easily grow and weaken the egg’s protective shell, increasing the chance of contamination and causing the eggs to decay more quickly.

To avoid absorbing odors or flavors from other items in the refrigerator, eggs should be stored on specialized trays or containers with lids. It is best to keep the tray or egg box in the middle or deeper parts of the refrigerator, where the temperature is consistently below 20°C.

Many studies have found that fresh eggs left at room temperature lose quality after a few days and should be consumed within 1-3 weeks.
Refrigerated eggs, on the other hand, will keep their quality and freshness for at least twice as long as those held at room temperature. Experts, on the other hand, recommend that eggs be stored for no more than 3-5 weeks to prevent utilizing old eggs.



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