Donuts with vegetable cheese

Half a teaspoon of milk

1 cup of coffee with a chemical levure

One coffee cup of sel

Half a cup of black pepper with coffee

One cuillère of coffee powdered almonds

One cuillère à café au poivre

One soup spoonful of fresh persil or dried coriander (facultatif)

Regarding the friture:

Vegetable oil for friting

Step 1: Get the veggies ready
Start by grating the carrots and parsnips. Arrange the chopped courgettes in a separate torchon and

Apply as much humidity as you can. This step is essential to ensuring that your brownies are crispy and

pas détrempé.

Finely chop the onion and peppercorns.

Step 2: Get the paste ready

In a large bowl, combine the chopped onions, chopped peppers, chopped carrots, and

onion rings cut in half.

Pour le fromage râpé sur les légumes et bien mélangez.

Dans une autre bol, mélanger la farine à toutes les usages, le sel, le poivre black, la levure chimique, la semoule de maïs,

Ail powder with paprika.



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