Der alte Trick, um in nur 2 Minuten alle Haare und Staub aus dem Haus zu entfernen

This tip is especially useful for cleaning floors, but what if dust accumulates on furniture and surfaces? Here are some suggestions:
– Prepare effective detergents, such as water and a detergent-based solution sprayed on a microfiber cloth for quick and guaranteed cleaning.
– Use white vinegar diluted with water to make surfaces shine.

– Follow a regular cleaning routine, cleaning curtains, cushions and sofas at least three times a week.
– Air out your home for at least 5 minutes a day to improve air quality.

– Take off your shoes at the entrance to prevent dust and dirt from entering the house.

By following these tips and using the age-old broom and plastic bag trick, you can enjoy a clean and tidy home with less effort and in less time.



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