Death starts in the gut! Why should you die when you have this plant? Explore the Benefits of Drinking Sage Tea

There is a traditional saying that states “health starts in the gut,” and although it may sound dramatic, it holds true. Your stomach and intestines are very important for your health. When your stomach and bowels are not working properly, it can cause many health problems. However, there is positive news: nature has given us plants that can assist in maintaining our digestive system healthy. One of the strongest ones is sage.

Sage is a herb that smells good and is used in cooking, but it also has strong healing properties. Sage tea, made from the leaves of the plant, is very good for the stomach and can help with different stomach problems as a natural treatment. The substances in sage can reduce inflammation and fight against germs, which can calm a stomach ache, decrease swelling, and promote good digestion.

Here’s why you should consider drinking sage tea every day:

Cleansing the Gut: Drinking sage tea helps clean the intestines by getting rid of toxins. This can help stop the accumulation of bad substances that could cause stomach problems and other health issues.

Reduces Swelling: Swelling in the intestines can be uncomfortable and may lead to more severe problems. Sage tea’s natural anti-inflammatory properties can help decrease inflammation in the digestive system, making it healthier.

Sage can help fight bad bacteria in the stomach because it has natural properties that kill germs. This helps keep your gut bacteria in balance and improves digestion.

Relieves Digestive Issues: If you have a stomach ache, gas, or feel bloated, drinking a warm cup of sage tea can help you feel better fast. Its soothing impact on the digestive system makes it a great option for those wanting to enhance their digestive health.

How to Prepare Sage Tea:

List of items needed:

1 teaspoon of dried sage leaves or 3 to 4 fresh leaves.

1 cup of hot water

You can add honey or lemon for extra flavor if you like.

Continued on the next page



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