Crafting Delicious Tomato Preserves: A Simple Guide

Choose ripe and flavorful tomatoes, preferably homegrown or sourced from trusted suppliers.
A good test of ripeness: gently tug the tomato’s stem. If it detaches easily, it’s ready.
Prepare your preserves soon after purchasing or harvesting to retain freshness.
A Foolproof Recipe for Tomato Preserves
7 kg ripe tomatoes
Fresh basil (to taste)
Boiling water (for sterilizing jars)
Sterilized 2L glass jars
Large saucepan
Prepare the Tomatoes: Wash and slice the tomatoes. Blend them into a smooth puree.
Cook the Puree: Transfer the puree to a large saucepan and bring it to a boil. Skim off any foam, boil for a few minutes, and remove from heat.
Pack the Jars: Pierce a few whole tomatoes with a fork and place them in sterilized jars. Pour the hot puree over the tomatoes, filling the jars to the brim.
Seal the Jars: Immerse the filled jars in boiling water to create a vacuum seal. Allow them to cool completely before storing.
Storage Tips
Keep the sealed jars in a cool, dry place. When opened, the preserves should retain their original color, aroma, and taste. Discard any jars with signs of spoilage, such as changes in appearance or smell.

With this straightforward recipe, you’ll always have a taste of summer ready to enhance your meals. Enjoy!



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