Coffee stains
It may be useful to know some foolproof methods inherited from our grandmothers, but they are not the fastest . For example, you can intervene with Marseille soap. To make the most of the soap, it is necessary to moisten the stain, moisten the soap bar and start rubbing the stained area. After a few minutes, the offending garment should be passed under running water. The second grandmother’s remedy involves the use of white wine vinegar. If you don’t have Marseille soap available, you can use vinegar (even apple cider vinegar). Simply create a mixture of vinegar and distilled water to spread on the stain and then rub everything after a few minutes.
Below we illustrate the best method, as well as the fastest: you will remove all traces of coffee in one move. The important thing is to get there on time. Here’s what you need and how to proceed.
Coffee stains
The best method to remove coffee stains in no time
If your coffee has spilled on your pants or shirt at the most inopportune moment, you can quickly fix it by following these steps. The necessary element is sparkling water , just moisten a napkin or cloth with a little sparkling water and rub delicately on the stain. If you act promptly, all traces of coffee will disappear completely. In addition, after a few seconds the halo of water will also disappear: it evaporates almost immediately. If you find it difficult to evaporate due to the cold, you can use the hair dryer in public toilets to dry your hands.