Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

Prepare your kitchen canvas and let’s begin our culinary symphony:

In a medium pot, combine the milk, sugar, cornstarch, and a pinch of salt. Mix them well to ensure a harmonious blend of flavors and textures.
Over medium heat, stir the mixture continuously until it comes to a gentle boil. Allow it to simmer, stirring occasionally, until it thickens to a smooth, pudding-like consistency, typically around five to seven minutes.
In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks until they become smooth and creamy. Gradually add about half a cup of the heated milk mixture to the yolks, whisking constantly to temper them without scrambling.
Once tempered, pour the egg yolk mixture back into the pot with the remaining milk mixture. Return the pot to the stove, maintaining medium heat, and continue stirring diligently to prevent any lumps from forming.
As the pudding mixture thickens to perfection, let it simmer for an additional two to three minutes, ensuring a luxurious texture that tantalizes the taste buds.
Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the vanilla essence, infusing the pudding with its heavenly aroma and delicate flavor.
Divide the luscious pudding into individual serving plates or transfer it to a large serving dish. To preserve its silky smoothness, gently place plastic wrap directly onto the surface of the pudding, preventing any unwanted crust from forming.
Allow the pudding to chill in the refrigerator for at least two hours, allowing it to set and achieve its full potential of creamy goodness.

As the moment of indulgence approaches, elevate your vanilla bliss with the perfect finishing touches:

Just before serving, adorn each plate of pudding with a generous dollop of whipped cream, adding a touch of lightness and elegance to the dessert.
For those seeking an extra dash of decadence, sprinkle grated chocolate or a dusting of ground cinnamon over the whipped cream, transforming each bite into a symphony of flavors.

In the realm of dessert delights, few experiences rival the sheer decadence of a perfectly crafted vanilla pudding. With its creamy texture, delicate sweetness, and irresistible allure, this timeless classic has the power to captivate hearts and tantalize taste buds with every spoonful. Whether shared with loved ones or savored in solitary indulgence, let this heavenly vanilla bliss be a reminder of life’s simple pleasures and the joy found in every delectable moment.



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