A seamstress with 60 years of experience reveals the secret to putting the needle effortlessly

Take a cotton bud and cut one of the cotton ends.Enter the cut end in the eye of the needle to create a sort of “bridge”.
Pass the thread through the cotton deck and then parade it. The wire will be perfectly positioned in the eye without effort.
More tricks to put the needle
Use a needle thread: a small tool available in haberdashery that simplifies the process.
Light the eye: Place yourself near a strong light source to better see the needle and wire.
Choose needles with wide eye: ideal for those with standard needles.
Thanks to these simple tricks, putting a needle will be a breeze. The cotton bud makeup, along with the improved traditional techniques, is a practical and affordable solution for everyone. With a little patience and the right tools, even the most difficult sewing jobs become simple.

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