If you spot these eggs in your garden, act immediately.
What do I hate more than ticks? Hmmm, let me think… Ah, last summer, I had the dubious pleasure of seeing a lot of them up close and personally. My dog was like a tick magnet, and at that point, the only way to get rid of these unwanted guests was to remove them thoroughly with a tweezer. Thank God I was not alone in this pocalypse. My dear friend was there, encouraging me. Although, to be fair, she was so disgusted with the whole process that her version of “support” involved looking at a very, very safe distance. So that tells you everything you need to know about ticks, right? Disgusting, scary, and I’d rather never meet them again. Just to think about it, I have goosebumps. So you can imagine my horror when I first saw tick eggs…
Now, for those who are lucky enough not to know much about ticks, they are small, suction creatures of blood that are not only a nuisance, but can also transmit diseases to pets and humans. They are like uninvited partygoers in the natural world, except that they carry the risk of Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain purple fever, and a host of other evils that you certainly don’t want.
So what do you do when you find a tick? Tick Club’s first rule: don’t panic. Use a thin-tip tweezer to grasp the tick as close as possible to the surface of the skin. Pull up with constant and uniform pressure. The aim is to remove the whole tick, without breaking it and leaving parts embedded in the skin. After removing the tick, wash the bite point and your hands with alcohol, an iodized cleanser or soap and water. Do not crush the tick with your fingers. Grip it out of alcohol, seal it in a bag or container, wrapping it in adhesive tape or throwing it into the toilet.
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