Put the wet wipe in the washing machine. Every house needs this tip this winter

Putting a wet paper towel in the washing machine will bring incredible benefits. Let’s find out.

Advantages of washing clothes with a wet paper towel
More than being used to wash hands and dishes, a wet paper towel can also help to remove lint from clothes. It will help absorb tissue scraps, fluffy, hair, dog and cat hair… stuck to clothes.

When washing clothes, put 1 to 2 wet paper towels in the washing machine. During the washing process, these damp paper towels will absorb all the plush, loudselled and hair stuck to your clothes.

To maintain effectiveness, you should replace the wet paper and a new one every time you wash your clothes.

To make sure that the wet towel that you have is machine washable or not, you can try to tear it with your hands. If it is strong enough and difficult to tear, it will resist the rotation of the drum of the washing machine.

You should use an unscented paper towel to make sure that the smell of the towel does not affect your clothes. If you want your clothes to have a pleasant smell, you have to choose a scented laundry and a softener.

Some other notes on washing clothes in the machine
to behed continued on the next page



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