Clean Your Floor With These Essential Oils To Keep Ants and Roaches Away Forever

The presence of insects is one of the most common problems in our homes, and among these, ants and cockroaches are among the most frequent. Fortunately, it is possible to adopt natural remedies to keep these unwanted guests away forever.

Keeping ants and cockroaches away is not just a matter of aesthetics or convenience. Although small and harmless, these insects are considered disease transmitters and vectors of pathogenic germs. To make matters worse, they usually target our food.

Keeping your home clean and tidy is the first step to reducing the risk of finding it invaded by ants and cockroaches . However, sometimes it may not be enough.

Below we list some essential oils that have a repellent action on these unwanted guests, and that will help us keep them away.

Peppermint Oil . This is one of the most effective repellent oils and can even be toxic to cockroaches. Add a few drops to the water you use to wash the floor. Alternatively, soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place it at the points where insects enter.

Eucalyptus oil . Their aroma is very pleasant for us humans, but impossible to bear for insects. In addition to using it to wash the floor, you can mix it with water and spray it in the corners of the house.
Continued on the next page



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