3 mistakes you should never make when cleaning the bathroom

When it comes to cleaning, there are many methods and tools to perfect your cleaning. There are different ways to accomplish this task, but also to make mistakes. Without wanting to strive for perfection, some mistakes can be avoided. Because even by replacing cleaning products made of chemicals harmful to health and the environment, such as bleach, with natural and ecological cleaning ingredients, mistakes can remain during cleaning. We have compiled them for you in this article.

The most important thing is to be aware of these mistakes and try to correct them as soon as possible. A bathroom is usually a small room and many people think that cleaning it is an easy task . This idea is wrong. And for good reason, this part of the house is especially humid and requires thorough cleaning to eliminate the fungi and mold that can become embedded there.

Eco-friendly enthusiasts often turn to natural household products, and they are right. White vinegar, baking soda, black soap or Marseille soap are all very useful for disinfecting, degreasing and removing limescale from the bathroom . But how do you generally use them?
3 mistakes you should never make when cleaning the bathroom

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