In the 14 years that I have owned a dishwasher (and loved it every single day), it never once occurred to me that a dishwasher detergent tablet could be used for anything other than washing dishes. But then I started digging around on the internet—and my approach to cleaning has been revolutionized.
It makes sense, of course. Dishwasher tablets are soap that has been specially formulated to tackle the toughest, greasiest gunk, so why wouldn’t they work in other scenarios? Still, my mind was blown to discover that those small, hard dishwasher tablets are one of the best and most versatile cleaning tools in your home.
Clean Your Washing Machine
A washing machine’s job is similar to a dishwasher’s—to get rid of stuck-on dirt and stains. Even though it is technically a clean space, the drum does get gross with build-up over time, and manufacturers recommend running it through a cleaning cycle on a regular basis. Instead of buying a special cleaning tab, you can toss in a dishwasher tablet and run it on a hot water cycle. You will end up with a sparkling clean drum.
Clean Your Toilet
Pop a tablet into the bottom of a dirty toilet and let it dissolve fully. This can take a while in cold water, so consider leaving it overnight and then scrubbing it with a toilet brush in the morning. It will work away at those stains while you sleep.
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