Weight Watchers Zero Point Chocolate Mug Cake

Nothing says GOOD MORNING when you have been up all night with your dog like a good shot of caffeine whether it’s a cup of coffee or in this case This Recipe for Weight Watchers Zero Point Chocolate Mug Cake which Will Add a Pep to your Step .

And I have never needed more shots of caffeine than this past week. My sweet rescue Lazer had some severe stomach issues and for several nights was just not himself at all.

But to make a LONG story short- at 2 am we heard him gagging- and then the vomit began and continued throughout the night into the morning. So of course we brought him into our vet who gave him some antacid and IV fluids and told us to watch him.

He is– on the mend but still not 100 percent- but at least after three nights in a row of upchucking he is holding down his food!

Suffice it to say between doing laundries and changing sheets at 2 am I am EXHAUSTED and look forward to my morning caffeine as much as I would look towards a lifeboat in the middle of an ocean! And therefore am all sorts of excited about trying to get an extra shot of it in any and all ways I can including CAKE!

Keep reading for This Recipe for Weight Watchers Zero Point Chocolate Mug Cake Will Add a Pep to your Step

This Recipe for Weight Watchers Zero Point Chocolate Mug Cake Will Add a Pep to your Step
Continued on the next page



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