9 Alternative Uses of Talcum Powder You Didn’t Know

Talcum powder was invented and became popular as a baby care product, although in recent years there has been much controversy over its side effects.

Yet few people know that talcum powder can be very useful in a myriad of other household situations, thanks to its particular properties.

Below we list some alternative uses of talcum powder that range from household cleaning to solving small daily problems.

Talcum powder for cleaning glass
The procedure is as simple as it is effective: mix a couple of spoons of talcum powder with warm water until it dissolves completely. Pour everything into a spray bottle and shake well. Spray the solution on the windows and dry thoroughly with a cotton cloth after about a minute.

Helps remove grease stains
Sprinkle talcum powder on the grease stain and wait a few hours for it to absorb, then rub well and remove any remaining product. The grease stain will be gone.

Alternative to shampoo
Talcum powder can be very effective in removing grease and dirt from your hair. You can apply it dry, but also before washing your hair. In this case, just put a small amount of talcum powder on your scalp about 15 minutes before washing your hair.

Alternative to deodorant
If you have a sweating problem, talcum powder can help. It can be applied under the armpits or on the feet to block odor and excess sweating.
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