20 foods that can be consumed after the expiry date

If you buy fresh bread, you usually eat it during the day. But don’t worry, as long as you don’t see mold, you can still eat it. If you want to store it two weeks after the expiry date, put it in a refrigerator or freezer.

10. Butter
If you see that your butter is about to expire, the solution is simple: put it in the freezer and it may be fresh and consumable for longer.

11. Yoghurt
As long as the yogurt has not been opened and it is in the refrigerator, you can still eat it one to three weeks after you have bought it. If you feel an unpleasant smell and the texture seems weird to you, throw it away.

the pates
12. Pasta
In general, dry pasta has a shelf life of two years, but as it is a dry product, you can consume them safely even after three years, unless the smell of pasta feels abnormal.

13. Salad mixtures
Rocket-based salad blends, for example, can be consumed after the stated expiry date, all you have to do is cut off the damaged or faded pieces if any.

14. Deep-frozen products
As is well known, the temperature of your freezer prevents your food from paying. If you still have packaged quick-frozen products, they can be eaten safely after the expiry date indicated.

15. Biscuits or crisps
As the oils inside the biscuits or crisps take a long time to get worse, you can in principle consume them as long as they do not smell bad and the texture seems to you to be normal.

16. Chocolate
If the packaging of your chocolate is still closed and you have kept it cool and dry, you can consume it well after the expiry date. Milk chocolate, for example, can be eaten for up to 8 months later, so you can use it safely to make a dessert.

17. Peanut butter

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