10 genius reasons why you should keep lemons in the freezer

Bonus Tip: You can freeze lemons whole (for grating), but if you want them sliced or shopped then it is best to do so before freezing them as the flesh will go a little mushy when thawed. Slice or chop the fruit to your desired size and then freeze them on a single layer baking tray overnight – this will prevent the juice from sticking them together. When frozen, you can throw them all into a snap-lock bag. If recipes call for certain parts of the lemon you can freeze the grated rind separately in snap-lock bags, or you can pour the juice into ice trays for freezing as in the suggestion above.

Lemons are undoubtedly a superfood, but if you don’t have a tree in the garden, then it can be less than convenient to maintain a fresh supply. That’s why you should stock up when they’re at their cheapest, prepare them however you want, and throw them in the freezer. You’ll love the convenience of being able to add lovely fresh flavors to your cooking — and the health benefits that come with it.
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